Rutgers-Newark and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Chancellors Reappointed
President Robert Barchi announced the reappointment of Nancy Cantor, chancellor of Rutgers-Newark, and Brian Strom, chancellor of RBHS, to five-year terms

Since coming to Rutgers-Newark, Nancy Cantor has been a tireless advocate for the university’s role as an anchor institution of the City of Newark and has been dedicated to celebrating and enriching Rutgers-Newark’s diversity.
Under her leadership, the Honors Living-Learning Community has gained national attention for its innovative approach mixing academic prowess with grit and leadership and a commitment to social justice. These and other new initiatives have helped increase the number of Newark residents attending Rutgers-Newark by 59 percent in the past five years.
Read President Robert Barchi’s letter announcing Cantor’s reappointment to learn more about her accomplishments.

Brian Strom has overseen the establishment of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) following the integration of the former University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey into Rutgers in 2013.
While implementing a dramatic financial turnaround, he led the formulation of a dynamic strategic plan to position RBHS as one of the best academic health centers in the nation, with signature programs in areas such as cancer, neuroscience and infection/inflammation, and complementary programs in clinical research, drug discovery, informatics and public health, including global health.
Read the president’s letter announcing Strom’s reappointment to learn more about his accomplishments.